Personal Information Protection Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

The company is committed to protecting personal information, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
All of our directors and employees (including those in part-time positions etc.) are committed to implementing the following policy.

  • Regulations shall be established for the handling of information from which specific living individuals can be identified (hereafter "personal information"), and organizational structure shall be improved to ensure all personal information shall be protected in a suitable fashion at an organizational level.
  • When collecting personal information from individuals, the purpose for its collection and the point of contact for any issues regarding it will be provided prior to collecting personal information only within the required range.
  • The personal information will be used within the intended scope of the stated purpose, stored using suitable methods, and aside from under extenuating circumstances will never be disclosed or provided to a third party without the prior permission of the individual.
  • The company takes all required measures to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent loss, falsification, leakage, etc.
    When saving and using personal information on computers or other devices, the company restricts access only to those employees who require it for business purposes, with all other employees prohibited from viewing or accessing all personal information.
  • When the company entrusts the processing of personal information to an external operator, contracts enforce clauses to prevent leaks or further transmission of the information.
  • Any personal information received from a consigner is managed appropriately and used only within the intended scope of use.
  • Any individuals who desire to confirm or correct their personal information may contact the supervising department of the company.
    After completing prescribed confirmation procedures the request will be completed forthwith.
  • All company directors and employees are fully educated on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and all internal education required by these guidelines. A supervisor regarding the handling of personal information shall also be placed within the company, and periodic audits of the entire system shall be performed.
    Furthermore, a memorandum of commitment shall be submitted once per year regarding the correct handling of personal information.
  • The company shall adhere to all laws and regulations pertaining to held personal information and work to maintain and improve the above undertakings.

Please direct any inquiries concerning the personal information protection policy to

Concerning the SSL security used for personal information management and security

About SSL security

  • This website uses SSL(*) security on all pages relating to customers' personal information, in order to prevent third parties from reading or modifying important information. (*) SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a security function that encrypts data prior to transmission.
    Using SSL encryption protects our customers' personal information from hackers and crackers, allowing the information to be transmitted safely.

About Cookies

  • A cookie is a small text file that websites may send to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes.
    Cookies make your web experience more convenient by remembering information about your preferences for particular sites.
    The use of cookies is now an industry standard, and many sites use cookies to provide useful information to their customers.
    Cookies identify the computer that you are using, but they cannot identify individuals.
    Users can also make choices regarding the use of cookies.
    Most computer browsers are set to accept cookies, but if you do not feel comfortable with the use of cookies, you can set your browser to refuse them.
    However, please note that if you decline to accept the use of cookies then some services and functions on this website may not operate as intended.

Purposes of use of personal information

  • The company may collect personal information from our customers via questions asked, requests, survey replies, materials, catalog orders, etc.
    This personal information will only be used for contacting our customers, sending them materials, and any other purposes clearly presented upon the collection of said information.
  • All personal information held by the online retail business planned and operated by the company will only be used to confirm the details of orders, send out products, send out invoices, provide related after-services, and provide information regarding new products and new services. Furthermore, when the paying customer and the recipient are at different addresses, no product catalogs, flyers, etc. intended to promote further sales will be sent to the address of the recipient.
  • There may be exceptions to the above in accordance with Article 18-4 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Disclosure of personal information to external contractors

In order to allow the company to operate smoothly, some portion of duties may be consigned to a third party, and this may include the provision of some held personal information. In such situations the contractor will be carefully selected, contracts concluded in relation to the handling of personal information, and supervision provided.
Provision of personal information to a third party Personal information acquired from customers will be suitably managed and will not be provided to a third party without the consent and approval of the individual to whom it pertains. However, there are the following exceptions.

  • When required by laws and regulations.
  • When there is the potential risk of harm to life, body, or property, and obtaining the consent of the individual would be difficult.
  • When particularly necessary in the interests of public health or the promotion of the healthy upbringing of children, and obtaining the consent of the individual would be difficult.
  • When cooperating in carrying out affairs stipulated by law with a national organization, regional government, or person entrusted with such duties by said bodies, and obtaining the consent of the individual would likely impede the execution of said affairs.

Procedure for disclosure request

The company shall, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of held personal information from the individual themselves or their representative, as well as notifications of the intended purpose of use, in accordance with the following procedures. Additionally, if a customer using the company's products or services wishes to refer to or change their registered personal information, they will be accommodated as far as possible without the need to follow these procedures. Please note that depending on the content of the inquiry applicants may ultimately be asked to follow the procedures below.

  • Address for disclosure requests When making a disclosure request, please first contact the address below.
  • When making a disclosure request or request for the intended purpose of use, the company shall send the required documents by post upon receipt of the processing fees as shown below.

    Denen Plaza Kawaba, Management Division, Personal Information Protection Supervisor

    385 Hagimuro, Kawaba Village, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture, 378-0111


  • The applicant should complete the application form that will be sent out and return it, including documentation to confirm their identity (one from among a copy of their driver's license, insurance card, or passport).
  • If the applicant for a disclosure request is a representative rather than the individual themselves, in addition to the above documentation the following documentation (A, B, or C) is also required.
  • A. For parents and guardians of a minorOne copy of the family register
    B. For adult guardians, voluntary guardians, curators, and assistantsOne copy of the certification of guardianship registration
    C. For proxy by power of attorneyOne copy of the letter of attorney, and one copy of the individual's seal registration certificate
  • The fees for each disclosure request or request for notification of the purpose of use will be a fixed amount of postal money order in the value of 1,000 yen.
  • Send the fixed money order certificate and fixed money order payment slip with nothing filled out on them.
    The applicant is responsible for the cost of issuing and sending the money order.
    The applicant should keep the money order receipt until the disclosure request is completed.
    The money order must be sent within 3 months of the date of issue.
    The money order must be sent within 10 days from the date the applicant contacted the company with the disclosure request.
    If payment is not confirmed within the time limit, if the amount of payment is insufficient, or if the fixed money order certificate and fixed money order payment slip are damaged, the disclosure request will be deemed not to have been made. (Please do not detach the fixed money order certificate from the fixed money order payment slip).

  • Method of response to a disclosure request
  • You must send the fixed money order certificate and fixed money order payment slip with nothing filled out on them.
    The applicant will receive the answer in writing to their provided address.

  • Purpose of use of personal information acquired via a disclosure request
  • Personal information acquired via a disclosure request will be used within the range required to provide a reply, and then kept for 2 years before being destroyed.

*Potential reasons for not disclosing retained personal information
We will not disclose held personal information under the following circumstances. If the decision is made not to disclose the requested information, you will be notified in writing.
Please note that your processing fee will not be refunded even if the disclosure is denied.
When the identity of the applicant cannot be verified due to variance between the application form and the documents provided to verify the applicant's identity.
When the application is submitted by a representative but their authority for access to the information cannot be confirmed.
When there is an issue with the information being applied for.
When the request for disclosure, etc. does not apply to the retained personal information.
When there is the potential risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the applicant or a third party.
When there is the potential risk of causing significant hindrance to the proper execution of the business of the operator handling the personal information.
When the disclosure would violate any other laws or regulations.
[Please note that we are unable to respond to requests made in person at our office.]

  • Realized development and retail promotion of new regional specialties.
  • The farmers' market recorded sales of 364 million yen in fiscal year 2010.
    More than 350 farmers currently supply the market with their produce. That's equal to more than half the farmers in Kawaba Village, and means the farmers' market plays a major role in preventing farmland from becoming idle.
    In addition, many of the staff are elderly and retired farmers or married women; the farmers' market provides a way for them to find their purposes of life, which combine their hobbies and practical interests.

  • Realized development and retail promotion of new regional specialties.
  • Various events are held within our facilities, which also offer restaurant and information functionality, creating a place where visitors to the village and village residents can interact, as well as a social gathering place for village residents themselves.

  • Realized development and retail promotion of new regional specialties.
    • Kanto & Koshinetsu Favorite Denen Plazas No. 1 for 5 consecutive years (2004 - 2008)
    • Ranked No.1 among Denen Plazas in East Japan by Nikkei Inc.
    • Selected for the Premium 30 and Everyone's No. 1 in the Yomiuri Shimbun Kanto Denen Plaza Awards (2014)
    • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism National Denen Plaza Selected as a National Model (2014)
    • 7th Japan Tourism Agency Commissioner Award (2015)
    • Trip Advisor's Certificate of Excellence winner (2015), Denen Plaza National Word-of-Mouth Ranking 5th Place (2016)
    • Gunma Prefecture Excellent Company Awards, Grand Prize in Commercial and Service Division (2016)

Having achieved the above results, and with both sales and the number of visitors continuing to currently rise, KawabDenen Plaza has taken on a vital role in realizing the basic principle of Kawaba Village, "agriculture + tourism," while also contributing to the development of regional society and regional revitalization.

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